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2018-09-05 04.45.20 1.jpg
2018-09-05 11.58.03 1.jpg

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One of my biggest struggles in life has always been caring too much about what friends, family, and total strangers think about me. like, I've never wanted to rock the boat. I've never wanted to do anything that would bring negative feedback from others. I find myself desiring to be the person everyone wants me to be, even if that changes who I really am deep down inside. I admit this a bit sheepishly because actually, I've been noticing a lot of behavioral issues in day to day life — in people I interact with, in people I see walking about, and in me. I feel that today we, as the rising generation are changing who we are so that we will be socially accepted. I feel that we are hiding our true selves and trying to shove someone else's selves inside us. I feel that we aren't living true, true to ourselves and true to others that see us. I was thinking about this when someone in my Bible study group said: "live from the heart He's given you."


Y'all, God created us with so much care. He carved our very beings perfectly. He formed who we are with so much pride. and He made all of our hearts into unique beating things that somehow are the only things we don't have the ability to change — Our hearts are original. Our hearts are different from one another. Our hearts are where God whispers His plans, puts flaming passions. Don't ignore it, live from it! If we live from the heart the Lord gave us, we won't be poorly mimicking another heart that's been given to another body / we'll be being us, beautiful original us. How lovely are YOU when you let the person God created be just that! There will only ever be one you - if you have let the world grab onto your heart, pray that the LORD will take it back; that He will make your heart want what is right. and really, I need this pep talk as much as anyone - I know the desire to be just like that person or that person; is so great! It really is, but living from our hearts is what's right. Living from the heart is what makes others see YOU. Living from the heart is what makes God go, "and I created that!" Living from the heart Christ has given you makes you original! Living from the heart God gave us gives us the ability to complete God's calling in the way only we can do! Friends, your heart is lovely. 

Live from it.

For God gave it to you after He so lovingly created it.

*haha* honestly the shortest blog post ever! — but truly, I'm speaking from my heart and hoping it will speak to yours. 


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Just living the life of a mom*ish* human that loves the children of the good good Father above. Slightly addicted to plants, even more addicted to coffee, and on the edge to being thoroughly in love with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Give me one of those things and you'll be my child forever… play nice kids and let me tell ya what's on my mind.


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