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→ Always a Happy Camper // Being All In // Photo Bomb

→ I just have say, it feels as though I've been waiting FOREVER to get this post up. I am so excited to share what my summer has been like, what I've learned, what I've seen, what I've gotten to be a part of, and of course some of the gajillion pictures that were taken in the process. It actually boils down to the fact that I kiiiiiinda fell in love. I fell in love with a summer camp I served at for men, women, boys, and girls with all kinds of disabilities. The people there became instant brothers and sisters to me and I knew I had found a place that was the definition of a home away from home. I knew it when a brown eyed guy named Bradley; did a waffle handhold with me everyday for a whole week. I knew it when a boy named Connor kissed my nose and cheek and said, "Anna, I hope you come back next year and every year." I knew it when I sat on the ground under the hot sun with a blue eyed girl and her stuffed dog, Toto. I knew it when I sat drinking coffee with a camper out of bright yellow minion cups. I knew it the moment I stood a guy named Mitch up in the water and let him experience what walking was like. Each day I became more and more certain that Camp Barnabas was my new home; and I decided on day six that I wanted to be there every summer for the rest of my life.

Our theme this year was being ALL IN in everything we do; whether in doing things for others, or for God. "And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it ALL IN the name of the LORD Jesus giving thanks to God the father through Him." - Colossians 3:17 I said this verse hundreds of times, both to myself and to the campers I had. Everything we do, every word we say, all our actions, God wants us to give it our all. Our best. I learned that in order for my campers to have a good time, I had to be ALL IN. In order for me to be a good counselor and a good worker, I had to be ALL IN. In order for me to have a good experience at camp, to grow in the LORD, and to learn from my campers, I had to be ALL IN. I found that when I held back and didn't give things my all, it wasn't as rewarding as it could've been. But when I decided to be all in and do the things to the best of my ability, I just felt so happy + smiley because I knew I was giving it my best.

One of my favorite stories from camp happened during the hottest week ever! My camper was a bit on the heavy side and had a manual chair that made me appreciate power chairs SO much more than I use to. Camp has the steepest hills ever and I was rather breathless that week taking my camper to and from the cabin + the different activities. I'm not the strongest person and was just a liiiittle slow getting places. My camper and I were always the last ones to get to dinner or any activity + I was a sight struggling up dem' hills. I was pretty determined though to be ALL IN even though I was tired and knew I wasn't doing the greatest job at getting places. Like I was SO bad! I laugh looking pictures from that week because I was just one huge mess! It was a Wednesday though and I remember trying to get up this hill for about thirty minutes. I was sweating up a storm + thinking, "never again..." when my camper suddenly said, "Anna, you are just doing the best job." I breathlessly disagreed with him; but he shook his head and repeated what he'd said. My heart just felt so warmed by his words. Even though I felt like I was doing a bad job, he was happy because he knew I was giving it my all. Even though we feel at times that we may not be doing the best, if we're giving it our best, it's okay. It's perfectly fine. Always, always, always give everything your all. Be ALL IN, do your best, and you will feel just wonderful inside knowing that you did.


I hug a camper good night. He glares up at me and says, "Anna, you're a mom. You act like a mom to me." Camper marches up to me and comments, "If you're originally from China, you should know if Asian dogs bark in Chinese." Camper sits down at breakfast with a minion coffee mug in hand, "Are you proud of me for drinking coffee, Anna? Girls love dudes that drink vanilla coffee." Camper comes up and smirks at me, "Anna, do I impress you? I know I do, so be honest." I mention that pushing wheelchairs all day during term 4 gave me muscles. Camper says dryly, "Anna I hate to tell you this, but you have no muscle. Feel my arm, this is what muscle really is." Camper suddenly shoots out of bed and says, "Anna, you are Chinese. If you want to get married, you miiiiiight need to move to China to find a husband. Probably Beijing." Camper leans over and whispers loudly, "Anna, if you were to marry that dude over there......your kids would be hideous. Do not marry him." Camper asks me to write down my contact info then says, "Your handwriting needs some work. I mean, you being homeschooled and all; you probably didn't take any lessons did you." Camper watches me dance then says, "You dance like a weird person....." Camper looks at me holding a baby and asks, "Do you have babies? Like ten babies? You seem like you would." Camper looks at me suspiciously after I tell him my age, "If you're seventeen, why are you so short?" Camper throws himself into my arms and says, "Hold me tight. You can do it, you're a strong woman!" Camper comes up and pokes my forehead, "Will you cry when Cal leaves? You better cry when I leave!" Camper flexes his arm, "Do guys with muscles impress you, Anna? Guys like me?" Camper sniffs me, "You smell like a boy, Anna. I think you're wearing too much cologne." Camper hugs me and says, "You brag about me all the time don't you? I know you can't help it though." Camper kisses my arm loudly and says, "Am I allowed to french kiss your arm?" Camper comes up behind me, grabs a fistful of my hair, jerks my head up, and shrieks, "I LOVE THIS HAIR!"


Camper calling me over, taking my hand, and asking me so sweetly to be his date to the dance. All the campers & counselors wrapping their arms around each other during worship and swaying back and forth under the stars. Getting back massages from the sweetest Alex you'll ever meet. Playing basketball with my camper + hearing him giggle + watching him dance around. Playing with toy minions under a blanket with a special named Brady. Getting at least ten long hugs everyday for a whole week. Canoeing in the warm sunshine with my camper. Seeing all my campers for the first time + getting to hear all their camp stories from the previous year. Hearing, "Anna, Anna , I want Anna! Aaaaanna!" I go over and camper says, "Will you clean my ears? You're so good at it." Eating cookie dough cones with my camper under the bright lights of the pavilion. Having one of my campers accept Jesus as their savior and being able to tell them that we were now related. Watching God's love just pour out of everyone I worked with. I am so proud of them and just can't help thinkin' to myself, "and all these great people are my friends."

"Be ALL IN in whatever you do // put Jesus first, others second, then look around for more people

to put before yourself."

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Just living the life of a mom*ish* human that loves the children of the good good Father above. Slightly addicted to plants, even more addicted to coffee, and on the edge to being thoroughly in love with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Give me one of those things and you'll be my child forever… play nice kids and let me tell ya what's on my mind.


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